Westmere and Sandy Bridge in the Same Queue using Complex Attributes
What we want:
- our 12-core Westmere exec hosts and our 12-core Sandy-Bridge exec hosts in the same queue, with an optional switch to select a SB node;
- jobs which do not select the SB switch to run on Westmere and SB nodes;
- jobs which do select the SB switch to run on only SB nodes (therefore may have to wait longer).
1. |
Complex Attributes and Host Configs |
qconf -sc:
#name shortcut type relop requestable consumable default urgency #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sandybridge sandbridge BOOL == YES NO 0 0
qconf -se node325:
hostname node325.danzek.itservices.manchester.ac.uk load_scaling NONE complex_values slots=12,sandybridge=1 load_values arch=lx24-amd64,num_proc=12,mem_total=64385.093750M, \ swap_total=16383.992188M,virtual_total=80769.085938M, \ . . . .
2. |
Rollout Tip |
for i in `seq -w 0 25`; do echo node3$i; qconf -rattr exechost complex_values slots=12,sandybridge=1 node3$i; done