

Page Contents:

Page Group

How can a user influence job priority?

 -- deadline jobs
 -- posix priority
 -- resource reservation
 -- advance reservation



Job Scheduling

Urgency Policy

 -- deadline
 -- wait time
 -- job size


 -- The urgency policy is to give higher priority to larger jobs --- I have just submitted two
    test jobs, identical, both to R815.q, one of 192 slots, the other of 128 slots:

  qstat -pri

  job-ID  prior   nurg    npprior ntckts   ppri name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID
  77917 0.10500 1.00000 0.50000 0.50000     0 r815-tp-19 simonh       qw    03/02/2012 15:01:04                                  192
  77916 0.07149 0.66492 0.50000 0.50000     0 r815-tp-12 simonh       qw    03/02/2012 15:01:00                                  128

 -- You can see the result --- the priority, from urgency, is bigger for the bigger job.

 -- Now here is the interesting bit --- I submit a bigger job, 256 slots:

   qstat -pri

  job-ID  prior   nurg    npprior ntckts   ppri name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID
  77919 0.10500 1.00000 0.50000 0.50000     0 r815-tp-25 simonh       qw    03/02/2012 15:05:01                                  256
  77917 0.07990 0.74902 0.50000 0.50000     0 r815-tp-19 simonh       qw    03/02/2012 15:01:04                                  192
  77916 0.05480 0.49804 0.50000 0.50000     0 r815-tp-12 simonh       qw    03/02/2012 15:01:00                                  128

  It looks like the urgency priority contrib for jobs is normalised against the biggest, which makes
  sense I guess.