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Gnome-Terminal and Misc-Fixed-6x13

Everyone knows that Misc-Fixed 6x13 is the font for Xshells (Xterms, Gnome-Terminals. . .  . With Gnome on Debian, and perhaps other distros, out-of-the-box there is no way to select old-fashioned bitmap fonts for Gnome apps. Wrong!


  1. Simply
        cd /etc/fonts/conf.d
        ln -s ../conf.avail/70-yes-bitmaps.conf
  2. Create /etc/fonts/local.conf with
        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
        <!-- /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file to configure system font access -->
        <!-- Font directory list -->
  3. Run
        fc-cache -fv

Original Entry:

  1. If required, download miscfixed.zip and unzip in ~/.fonts.
  2. Add some local config to your fonts — /etc/fonts/local.conf:
        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
            <patelt name="family"><string>Fixed</string></patelt>
            <patelt name="family"><string>fixed</string></patelt>
            <patelt name="family"><string>MiscFixed</string></patelt>
        <!-- conf.d/yes-bitmaps.conf -->
        <!-- Accept bitmap fonts -->
             <patelt name="scalable"><bool>false</bool></patelt>
        <!-- conf.d/sub-pixel.conf -->
        <!--  Enable sub-pixel rendering -->
          <match target="font">
            <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
  3. Ensure fc-cache picks up ~/.fonts — it probably does; simply running fc-cache -fv below will confirm yes or no.
  4. Regenerate the cache:
        fc-cache -fv
  5. Check all is how nature intended:
        prompt> fc-list ":" family pixelsize | grep -i fixed
  6. Shutdown all instance of gnome-terminal — else you don't pick up the new config — and start a new one: Edit profiles and choose MiscFixed as the font — bizarrely it seems that you choose size 11 or 12 for good-old 6x13.