
# /etc/init.d/iptables defaults file

# Q: What is this iptables init.d setup all about?
# A: The iptables init.d setup saves and restores whole iptables's 
#    table rulesets. That's basically it. It doesn't create any 
#    iptables rules nor provide for running any iptables rules.
#    That also implies no support at all for dynamic rules.
# Q: How do I get started?
# A: 
#    1. Setup your normal iptables rules -- firewalling, port forwarding
#       NAT, etc. When everything is configured the way you like, run:
#           /etc/init.d/iptables save active
#    2. Setup your your inactive firewall rules -- this can be something
#       like clear all rules and set all policy defaults to accept (which
#       can be done with /etc/init.d/iptables clear). When that is ready,
#       save the inactive ruleset:
#           /etc/init.d/iptables save inactive
#    3. Controlling the script itself is done through runlevels configured
#       with debconf for package installation. Run "dpkg-reconfigure iptables" 
#       to enable or disable after installation.
# Q: Is that all?
# A: Mostly. You can save additional rulesets and restore them by name. As
#    an example:
#       /etc/init.d/iptables save midnight
#       /etc/init.d/iptables load midnight
#    Autosave only works with start followed by stop.
#    Also, take great care with the halt option. It's almost as good as
#    pulling the network cable, except it disrupts localhost too.

# deprecated default values:
#    enable_iptables_initd - use the debconf setup
#    preload_default - probably not necessary for iptables-restore
#     and user modified init.d scripts cannot trusted anyway

# set iptables_command to "iptables" (default) or "ip6tables"

# set enable_autosave to "true" to autosave the active ruleset
# when going from start to stop 

# set enable_save_counters to "true" to save table counters with
# rulesets