13. Establish the date/time of the intrusion and use it

If the date and time of the intrusion and/or of rootkit or other software installation can be determined the task of clearing up the damage is made much easier. The datestamp on a file can be changed to mislead; nevertheless this procedure is frequently worthwhile.

There are three obvious ways to determine the critical date and time:

Additionally, chkrootkit or Rootkit Hunter could spot, for example, changes to /var/log/wtmp.

Given an approximate date/time to work with, say 3 days ago, 2005 Jun 19, try

    find / -ctime -2 -print
        # atime :  access --- the file was last accessed;
        # ctime :  change --- changes were made to the file's inode;
        # mtime :  modify --- actual file contents changed;
or one of these (depending on the output format of ls)
    ls -lR / |  grep "Jun 19" | egrep -v "2004|2003"
    ls -lR / |  grep "2005-06-19"
For reliable results, this procedure should be done again after booting from reliable media.

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