4. SCP and SFTP

The SSH suite of utilities contain two different clients for file transfer, one akin to rcp and the other to ftp.

4.1. scp

Usage of scp is similar to ssh:

  local> scp -l remoteuser remoteserver.sub.net:remotefile localfile
  local> scp localfile remoteuser@remoteserver.sub.net:
N.B. In the second case the colon is necessary otherwise a local file called remoteuser@remoteserver.sub.net will be created.

4.2. sftp

Usage of sftp is similar to that of ftp, i.e., upon authentication a restricted shell is obtained and the usual commands (get, put, ls, etc) are available:

  local> sftp remoteuser@remoteserver.sub.net
  remote>                               # ftp-restricted shell ("quit" to exit)

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