Contents: Scanners

About this document

1. What's listening on your machine? --- nmap

You should know about every process which is listening to a port on your machine --- what it's called and why its listening. Unless you need it, stop it or remove it.

netstat can be used on the machine (e.g., netstat -a | grep LIST) but this is based on the assumption that the the host has not been compromised (any decent intruder will trojan netstat in order to hide their presence).

A better approach is to scan for open ports from a second machine. This second machine must be able to "see through" any firewall --- alternatively, simple turn any such firewall temporarily. nmap is ideal for this. For example, to scan privileged ports on dog.sub.domain from cat.sub.domain:

    cat> nmap -vv -sT -p 1--1023 dog.sub.domain

    Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
    Host dog.sub.domain (130.88.???.???) appears to be up ... good.
    Initiating Connect() Scan against dog.sub.domain (130.88.???.???)
    Adding open port 25/tcp
    Adding open port 787/tcp
    Adding open port 111/tcp
    Adding open port 587/tcp
    Adding open port 22/tcp
    Bumping up senddelay by 10000 (to 10000), due to excessive drops
    The Connect() Scan took 30 seconds to scan 1023 ports.
    Interesting ports on (
    (The 1018 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
    Port       State       Service
    22/tcp     open        ssh                     
    25/tcp     open        smtp                    
    111/tcp    open        sunrpc                  
    587/tcp    open        submission              
    787/tcp    open        unknown                 
    Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 30 seconds
Commonly-used nmap options:
    -v, -vv, -vvv     verbose, very verbose...
    -sT, -sU          TCP scan, UDP scan
    -p m-n            range to scan (to scan all ports, omit this)

Armed with information such as that above, you should identify the daemon responsible for each open port (e.g., by using lsof --- see LSOF: Which process, which port?)
