Creating Graphics in TeX

This section is about creating graphics within TeX. Importing graphics considered next.

There are many ways to create a picture in TeX, including:


I quote: XY-pic is a package for typsetting graphs and diagrams using... [TeX]... XY-pic works with most of the many formats available, e.g., Plain TeX, LaTeX,.... See the XY-pic documentation on CTAN for further information; alternatively access ISD's local copy.


PSTricks is a collection of Postscript-based TeX macros that is compatible with most Tex macro packages, including Plain TeX and LaTeX. PSTricks gives you color, graphics, rotation, trees, overlays...

For more details, including the manual, see; alternatively access ISD's local copy.

Diagrams with Metafont!

Zdenek Wagner (wagner@csearn.bitnet --- preferred, wagner@earn.cvut.cs) has written a document, Simple drawings with METAFONT which describes how to make simple drawings with METAFONT and inclusion into LaTeX documents. Its intended for the "slightly advanced", though a knowledge of [the contents of] the METAFONT book is not needed; alternatively access ISD's local copy.


The mfpic package is a set of macros for METAFONT and TeX which incorporate Metafont-drawn pictures into a TeX file. It is available from CTAN --- including the manual; alternatively access ISD's local copy.

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