1. Introduction

Two sets of C compilers for Unix platforms are supported by ISD: the Sun Workshop compilers for Solaris and the GNU compilers which are available for "almost every" platform.

We have a site licence for the Sun Workshop compilers --- administrators of all Solaris machines at UMIST can freely install and use these compilers. Copies of the installation CD may be purchased from ISD Helpdesk for £15. These compilers are fully supported by ISD (Level 1).

The Gnu Compiler Collection (GCC) includes a C, C++ and Objective C compilers; we offer Level 4 support for the GCC on all platforms.

Later sections of this document cover: an introduction to using the make utility and writing Makefiles, including and example in which the NAg libraries are linked in; some pointers to a free C compiler for Irix 5.3; and some pointers to C-related sites on the Web.


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